It IS a small world after all.
If it weren't, I would have moved my orbit millions of light-years away from you.
I was a dead planet on a stagnating galaxy - looming in the horizon, oblivious from anyone. Yet I was content with my place in the universe. I was happy as I was alone.
You were not aware (not even slightly) of my entity. Yet I was fully aware of you. I was the Hubble Space Telescope -- floating alone, observing silently. You are the Crab nebulae - full of dynamism and change. And you're just mirrors and lenses away.
One fateful day, our orbits aligned; our stars came close; an equinox of two distant bodies. At that very short instance you caught a glimpse of my small planet, in all its bleakness and aridity.
I was the noble gas, Helium -- inert and unreactive. You were a proton, accelerated million times around kilometers of superconducting tubes, attaining infinite energy. I was not even the real target. I was just a single atom that leaked and got lost on your path. Yet, you hit me head-on, split second, and then you simply move on.
The collision time was that of a very, very small magnitude - like a femtosecond pulse in a laser experiment. Ultimately, the fear of anti-supercollider advocates materialized in me. That small strange sub particle created enough energy to initiate a big reaction in my essentially inert subsistence. Like a white dwarf with its trademark large radiance, my vitality burned rapidly and violently.
All existence converged to a single point. And what remained was a singularity of broken dreams, wishful thoughts and infinite regrets. It disintegrated with what was left of the very miniscule memories of our ultrashort but very radiant coexistence. And just like any matter-antimatter interaction, what occurred was an annihilation--only in my case, there were no splendid fireworks of escaping photons of light, heat and energy. My whole universe imploded just like that.
Then I became a black hole-- sucking anyone's energy including my own. I lost all meaning and desire of existence. I just sucked and sucked on everything. Eternal darkness became my final dwelling.
Meanwhile, stars shine brightly in the skies of your happy little planet.