Friday, June 27, 2008

The Discovery of the God Particle


June 27, 2015

Dear Prof. Lawrence,

I greet you with a truly amazing news!

It was purely by mistake, I was doing my routine check-ups of the electron-synchrotron machine and eating my favorite pasta while at it.

So, I fired up the electron beam as was required for the check-up. I hear Polly squawked behind me, as if she knows something would happen.

As I was pulling the magnetic ring levitator lever, little Erwin began scratching my pants, trying to have a piece of my pasta. I raise my hand, to keep my food away from the hungry cat.

But then, Polly was able to peck at it from her cage. I tried to pull away from the cat and the bird but I tripped on one of the electric lines and I threw the pasta into one of the impact chambers.

It was then that the miracle happened! The probe detected a new particle, with zero mass, no spin and no charge and yet it remained in the chamber, not disintegrating, as if it had no antiparticle.

I looked at it using our electron picoscope, and there it is, our lives' greatest discovery...Its like strands of spaghetti with wings. You should see for your self. With your permission I would like to call it... The Flying Spaghetti Particle.

I've sent you some pictures from the lab.

Your Loyal Student,


PS. I apologize for what happened to your cat. He jumped into the chamber with the pasta and as of now, I still can't figure if he was dead or alive.


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Antisocial-Collective 3: Zodiack Science

This issue introduces my idea of Zodiack Science; wherein I try to replace the conventional horoscope symbols with other symbols prominent in science.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Antisocial-Collective 2

Second in a series. I actually enjoyed doing this!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Antisocial-Collective 1

Some random comic...